Working with Dolphin CMS our team found problem with SEO in the script. Actually the problem is in dolphin TITLEs that you see in your browsers and which is the most important thing in SEO. Websites that is powered by Dolphin has different TITLE structures all over website and this results in lack of SEO and usability features.

Our team decided to make a modification or extension for dolphin to make it more friendly to search engines. We are curently working on this modification and you can add you comments with features you would like to have.

Modification available HERE

First release will add:

  • solid TITLE structure – the same on all pages
  • give options to edit TITLEs on different pages
  • add meta description and keywords for different pages – it’s less important but still nice to have as an option
  • somthing else may be here…. – use comments to advice anything you need.

We do understand that this is just the first step of seo modification and if anyone need better results they need more time to optimise each page and code for the page..

We plan to release in 1 week so you have a bit of time to think about what you need and want.