Flash Da Web Team.
We know some technologies pretty well and are just getting into others. We are here to share what we know and what we like.
With FlashDaWeb you will find new projects, fresh WEB templates, FLASH tutorials, components and much more. At FlashDaWeb you will get to know what developers create and what the market demands. We share the most exciting things we find on the web and try to deliver a good quality of service and products. We are sure you may get something useful for your flash- or web-related needs on our flash da web resource.
Interesting at FlashDaWeb
Check out our resources and you will find a batch of free xhtml templates and free themes for WordPress. Free flash components section offers useful flash resources for actionscript developers. Users of Dolphin CMS would be glad to see our Dolphin templates and modifications. Those who is willing to know more about flash and web techniques and technologies are welcome to check out tutorials and screencasts.
Most recent projects
Working in both flash and web directions, we recently started flash preloader resource, which includes free open source actionscript preloader component and a variety of animations developed in AS2 and AS3 for it as well as for general loading indication. Take a look at our preloaderz.com project!
Website Monetization Articles
We have started a series of posts to discover and explain the website monetization strategies and methodologies which can be used by any website owner to generate additional income from his website or blog. First articles are already there, check them out and read about Top 5 Strategies we are using to monetize flashdaweb website and Introduction to co-registration path program. More interesting posts are on the way. Please let us know if you want any specific website money making technologies explained or reviewed – we will be glad to assist you on this matter and write about topics which are interesting to our readers.

Free flash preloader component.
Latest Products

Romantic Dolphin Template Romantic or if you want LOVE template special for Valentine’s day. You can use it on your website and tell everyone how you love someone. Give present of love for website users. All SEO mod for Dolphin CMS This is realy unique plugin that put Dolphin CMS SEO into a new level. We keep working over it and it’s getting better and better. Get to the top of Big G! Flash Glowing Preloader Animations New animation for our free Flash preloader. This is very good looking and easy to install addon for your Flash projects…
Top freebies
Free XHTML templates – we made some cool XHTML templates and give it away for free. Dolphin templates and Mods – find more useful stuff for your dolphin website. It’s Free! Poker tournaments – play flash poker for free. You even get the chance to win some money.