We offer a pack of flash animations, which might be used as preloaders in your flash movies or applications.
This Flash preloaders pack includes 33 different animations. Some are widely used animations such as Mac loading indicator or clockwise bubble animation, another are new concepts. We believe the styles of flash preloaders will fit any kind of Flash applications. If they don’t, let us know and we will create one for you.
All of the animations are vector flash graphics, so once you have a source, you will be able to modify any colors of the preloaders to be tuned with your website’s or application’s style.
This pack includes:
- Circular animations
- Progress animations
- Bubble animations
- Spinning animations
- Complex animations
- Show-and-hide animations
- Cycled animations
- Loading animations
Below you may see all the animations:
[SWF]http://www.flashdaweb.com/blog/files/preloaders/flash_preloaders.swf, 550 , 900 [/SWF]
You may order a source fla file of these nice flash preloaders right now for only $19.95. Click here to proceed with order.
How to use.
Take a look at free flash preloader component, which will let you to implement whole preloader functionality in your flash document with no actionscript code needed. Simply choose a target, a source and flash animation to display while loading and it will function just well. Note, all of the animations contained in Flash Preloaders Animation Pack are already optimized for our flash preloader component.
More flash preloader animations.
- Glow flash preloader animations pack
- … more coming