Free Flash Page Flip Components

Did you think of adding cool flash page flip effect to your flash tool or flash web site or flash gallery? I just wanted to share some free flash page flip components I found for you. Free Flash pageflip from Pixelwit Flash PageFlip component Free...

New animations release. Glow flash preloaders!

We are glad to offer more preloader animations to our visitors. This week we came up with a glowing preloaders theme and seem to do a good job. Here is a simple demo. [SWF] , 550 , 192 [/SWF] Read...

Please welcome, Adobe Flash Player 10 comes on stage.

I’m really excited to announce that Adobe Flash Player 10 is now available at Adobe website. See FlashPlayer10 in action here And download it from here This release is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux and has a great number of new features and...

Mac style preloader in ActionScript3

Hi there, I just wanted to share a nice AS3 class I found at steven sacks blog, which produce Mac style loading animation. You may find it interesting when implementing preloader in your AS3 application 😉 Sample swf...